assalamualaikum..shat kalian?
aku tak sihat ni..mata panas..tandanya aku sdg kna update blog dlm masa yg paling singkat..uhh, bole ke?
okey, i just nk update sal smalam , ahad i kuar date bka pose wif my bestfren..mukhaiyarah aka wai mahtar.
kitorng mcm saje nk celebrate our august n her-15 august.. (atehbie ckp, patotla hampa ni kwn baik,lahir pon dekat2..haha)
xdela pegi mane pon, just mid valley..jalan2, dah masok waktu bka pose kt kfc jee..nasiblah kitorang bka lpas solat..kalo tak bapak full gile kot weyh..
okeh, smalam wai bg kad n present to me..i saje mcm malu2 cat tnak bka dpan die..
then smpai umah, masok blik trus bka adiah..
n bka2 je...i terus mcm tejerit kecil..oh my God..ini perfume yg i nk sgtt x kesempatan lagi.wai, thanks a lot..dahla i x bagi pape pon kann kt u..ishh..i mampu bgi kasih sayang jee..:)
luv u from bottom of my heart too....hope our frendship will never end untill we die.insyaAllah.
let see pic lahh pulak..
nasi ayam cilap kfc.hehe

wahhh cedapnye chezzy tu..slurpp..nasib aku update mlm2..hehe.kalo x teliur je

oke, ready to eat yee..tdung pon da sakai jee..hoho

sangat menikmati yee wai..ahaks

oke, sila fokus pada beg yee..wai bershopping..oh, wai kah itu?

oke, ini model kitorang jumpa tgah mkn kfc..haha.

ohh..sooo sweett dear..thanks
aku saje nk tunjuk ngan korang2 dgn lebih jelas yee

okey, i just nk update sal smalam , ahad i kuar date bka pose wif my bestfren..mukhaiyarah aka wai mahtar.
kitorng mcm saje nk celebrate our august n her-15 august.. (atehbie ckp, patotla hampa ni kwn baik,lahir pon dekat2..haha)
xdela pegi mane pon, just mid valley..jalan2, dah masok waktu bka pose kt kfc jee..nasiblah kitorang bka lpas solat..kalo tak bapak full gile kot weyh..
okeh, smalam wai bg kad n present to me..i saje mcm malu2 cat tnak bka dpan die..
then smpai umah, masok blik trus bka adiah..
n bka2 je...i terus mcm tejerit kecil..oh my God..ini perfume yg i nk sgtt x kesempatan lagi.wai, thanks a lot..dahla i x bagi pape pon kann kt u..ishh..i mampu bgi kasih sayang jee..:)
luv u from bottom of my heart too....hope our frendship will never end untill we die.insyaAllah.
let see pic lahh pulak..
oke, ready to eat yee..tdung pon da sakai jee..hoho
sangat menikmati yee wai..ahaks
oke, sila fokus pada beg yee..wai bershopping..oh, wai kah itu?
oke, ini model kitorang jumpa tgah mkn kfc..haha.
ohh..sooo sweett dear..thanks
eh, tibe last gamba kad raya lak..
aha, kad ni aku tgok masa dok jalan kt jusco tggu nk bka pose..aku tujukan khas ntuk kak eja padel , atehbie basri , uyun basri..
cepatlaa..nak kad raya..
korang, tak sedar ke story dah abes laa..chiow..wsalam..
aha, kad ni aku tgok masa dok jalan kt jusco tggu nk bka pose..aku tujukan khas ntuk kak eja padel , atehbie basri , uyun basri..
cepatlaa..nak kad raya..
korang, tak sedar ke story dah abes laa..chiow..wsalam..
wahhhhh.....dpt present ar....
btl kate ateh bie....ptt la kawan baik...besday nak dkt...huhu.....
hapi besday se
haha..suke gle perfume tuh..
eh2, nak kad raya..heh
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